Monday, August 28, 2017

Dear Satan: Less Than Zero & Maniacal Laughter

 Dear Satan,

Social Worker Ling Ying feel that I have extremely evil mind, my jest is cruel, and my smile is fake, so that could I ask how can I reduce my sanity to Less Than Zero and become really insane?

Best Regards, Elijah Hu

PPPS: BESIDES, Would you mind telling me how do I make an insane laughter?

Dear Elijah,

Thank you for your inquiry.
Maybe you have an extremely evil mind and your jest is cruel and your smile is fake.
If you have a fake ass smile, then you wouldn’t be the first and certainly won’t be the last.
I think that maybe the problem between you and Social Worker Ling Ying is that you’re trying to fake it till you make it.
Fake it till you make it is bullshit pick-up artistry slang for justifying being a lying sack of shit while faking your way into getting the things you want in life that you think you deserve but don’t.
I hate cheaters.
I mean, I’m not going to put someone down for eternal damnation for a few little white lies like that time you said the dog ate your homework or the time you masturbated in the bathroom at church.
I’ve got better things to do.
But if you’re going to try to surf through life using people as stepping stones and burning bridges and fucking people over just so you can be king dick of asshole mountain I’ll be happy to meet you at the door and give you a guided tour of hell before you spend the next infinity of infinities drowning in a lake of fire while being eaten by fire ants while Arthur Brown sings Fire over the p. a. system.
I admit, maybe I go a bit overboard with the whole FIRE thing, but it’s my thing.
The other guy gets clouds and haloes and angels.
I get fire and horns and demons.
But I also get all of the best Rock & Roll musicians.
I’ll tell Lemmy you said hello when we’re hanging out playing poker and drinking whiskey tonight like we do every night.
That’s why I make sure to give every pick-up artist a teeny tiny eentsy weentsy half a baby carrot premature infant dick.
Oh, and gonorrhea.
Any time you hear someone say “Hey, man, fake it till you make it.” trust that that bro-dude chief champ douchebag has a raging angry red hot icky sticky trickling case of gonorrhea that leaves permanent stains in anything his awful tiny disappointment of a dick touches.
What I’m trying to say is that if you expect someone else to like you then you’re going to have to figure out how to like yourself first.
Girls can smell fake confidence like dogs can smell fear and they’re not going to let you try to throw a dick up them if they think you’re trying to pretend to be something you’re not.
Spend some time going to the gym or learning how to play guitar or do ten push-ups a day plus ten more every day until you’re up to around a thousand a day and by the time you get to a thousand a day you’ll be turning heads so hard you’re gonna give the girls whiplash.
Then you can show up wherever Social Worker Ying Ling looks with a model-quality hottie on each arm and you between them like a menage a troi ice cream sandwich and you can watch Social Worker Ying Ling try to eat her heart out.
As far as how can I reduce my sanity to Less Than Zero and become really insane?
First off, I think it’s a creepy coincidence that two posts in a row contain a Bret Easton Ellis reference.

Maybe it’s just because I take credit for his creating his entire body of work, but, still, it’s kind of creepy.
As far as reducing your sanity to Less Than Zero, that can go either way.
Either you can end up like Andrew McCarthy where you’re not a very good actor and you get to walk away relatively unscathed.
Or you can end up like Robert Downey Jr. and have James Spader making you suck dick to pay him back for all of the coke money you owe him because you wanted to have a twenty-four hour disco party in your head until you ran out of money or luck or both.
I can't necessarily recommend the Less Than Zero route.
But if you want to temporarily disrupt the machine inside your head I recommend high doses of clean psychedelics.
Don’t chew up an entire sheet of basement bathtub arsenic acid like it’s Big League Chew.
Two or three or five tabs of decent LSD in the downtown center of a busy city or two or three dried grams of a decent psilocybin mushroom should definitely be enough to press your reset button but good.

PPPPPS: As for Maniacal Laughter, It’s a decent album.

Love, Satan

Dear Satan: Disappear Here

Dear Satan,

How do I make people who really REALLY irritate me DISAPPEAR and not do 
time in prison?



I know that it’s not easy not being a nigh-omnipotent embodiment of all of the evil in the world.
When I want someone to disappear I make them spontaneously combust.
It’s kind of exhausting, because since you puny humans are something like 98% water I have to concentrate a little bit to make one of you insignificant mortals explode into a sulfurous fireball.
My favorite time to do that to a person is when they’re just walking down the street, minding their own business.  Thinking about someone they’d want to fuck if they could or thinking about what they’re thinking about getting for dinner and what they’re going to maybe watch when they’re sitting on their couch after a hard day’s work, sipping a cold beer.
Then BLAMMO!  Man on fire!
Nothing left behind but a pile of ash, a few tooth fillings and a tie-tack.
But like I said, manipulating events on the physical plane takes effort and I need a nap and a frappe and a nice rubdown afterwards or I’m tired and cranky all day and no one wants a tired and cranky Satan.
But since I only have the patience to do that about once a day, I make people disappear every day the same way everyone else does.
I block them on social media.
If you had any idea how many evil little minions are constantly capering on about “Appear before me Satan!” and “Do my bidding!” and “Please help me pass Biology so I don’t have to summer school again this summer!” you wouldn’t even want the job.
Sure the job has its perks.
I mean just the other night I was in bed with Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield and I made them have a pillow fight to the death.
No big deal.
I resurrected Marilyn afterwards.
Jayne doesn’t get the credit she deserves.
She’s a scrapper.
But I digress.
There’s few things more satisfying than going through each of your social media apps and blocking the same annoying person on each one and watching the streams of communication they have to interfere in your life dry up to nothing.

Hope this helps.

Love, Satan.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Dear Satan [Chinese Democracy]

Dear Satan,

My Name Is Elijah Hu, I Am From Taiwan Province of the Republic Of China.
I Love My Country Republic Of China But I Hate Present President Of the
Republic Of China Cai-Ying Wen, Might I Ask How Should I Do ?

Sincerely Yours,
Elijah Hu

Postscript: Besides, Would you please give me some advice.

Elijah Hu |

Dear Elijah,

I‘m not that familiar with the way that the government of China works.
The most research that I’ve done is that I know that Guns & Roses put out an album called Chinese Democracy.
I decided to finally listen to it in preparation for replying to your message and all I learned is that it’s not their best album.
Their best album is undoubtedly their 1987 debut album Appetite For Destruction.
I prefer the original cover design for the album featuring the Robert Williams painting.

If Chinese democracy works the same way that American democracy works, then my advice is for you to organize support for your preferred candidate.
When it comes time to vote, focus your time and effort on organizing voters to vote for your preferred candidate.
Then hopefully your candidate will win the majority of the votes.
Then 538 people pick whoever they want to be president regardless of who won the general election.
At least that’s how it works in the United States.
There’s not a lot you can do about the president, but what you can do on a personal level is to run for office.
If you don’t like your government, change it from the inside.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Start off small by running for a seat on your city council.
Work your way up the hierarchy of government, becoming a state senator, then becoming the governor of your state, then becoming one of the representatives from your state in the federal government.
After all of that work and year after year of dedicated public service towards the goal of making China a better place you’ll hopefully have enough of a reputation to launch your presidential campaign.
It’s going to cost about a billion China Yuan Renminbi to run a successful presidential campaign, so hopefully you’ve been wisely investing your income from all of your years of government service and maintained true to the utopian ideals that inspired you to pursue public office.
And after all of that, then, maybe, you, YES, YOU, will be the president of China.
Good luck and Godspeed on your future endeavors future President Hu.
I hope this helped.

Love, Satan